Friday, July 13, 2012

And You Thought Your Driver's License Photo Was Bad!

So the other day, my wife and I had to get new Costco cards.  On the  new Costco cards, they now take these great and beautiful color pictures so that when you spend money, you can also be fully embarrassed by the idiot look you had on your face when they tried to mimic the old DMV style picture while your five children were doing their absolute best to ensure that anyone with your last name is forever banned from the store.

Anyway, I took my picture, and a few days later my wife went in to get her picture taken.  I have a beautiful wife see...

She is just straight up darling, and for some reason, she hates getting drivers license style pictures taken but it had to happen. So she went in and got the picture done.  Well, they took the picture and told her that her card would be sent in a few days.  A few days later, the card came, She looked at the front and her name was on the card, and when she turned it over to look at the picture, this was the picture staring back at her:

I told her the next time she goes to get that kind of picture that I would watch the kids.  Because by the look of her picture they must have been being horrible.

She didn't laugh.